Strawberry Rhubarb Cookies

Monday, August 30, 2010

The next new flavor..And following...

I went a made the pina colada even though the oatmeal raisin was voted for. I had the ingredients for the pina colada and decided not to let them go to waste. Oh well...2 new flavors in one weekend? Not bad.

The pina colada came out really well. The perfect blend of pina colada and pineapple. Oh my, they are sweet and soft and taste just right.

Next up...oatmeal raisin.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

What will the next new flavor be?

Votes have been sent in for pina colada to be the next flavor. The polls are still open for one more week. We'll see what will happen.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Been writing articles.

I've been busy writing articles in my down time in between cookie orders and trying new recipes. I have wanted to express my pride with all the work I have been through to come up with the perfect cookie by taste, texture, and appearance. Until recently, my cookies have been coming off a little "flat"...literally. They spread out so much they looked almost like crepes when they were done. They tasted fantastic and stayed soft, but who would want to buy a flat cookie?

I decided to share my learning experiences within my articles and will probably continue to do more as time goes on. Why keep a good thing to myself? Share the wealth. Isn't that what I'm doing by making my cookies available for others anyway?

Try some cookies and if your interested, give my articles a glimpse.  Thanks.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Working hard!

I just finished a large order and received another order when they came to pick up. I've got my work cut out for me but the house smells really good.

I can't wait to work on the next flavor but I need people to vote for the next one. Make sure you check regularly; I keep a voting poll open only for 2 weeks.

Thanks for all your orders to my loyal customers.


Monday, August 9, 2010

New flavor!

Coffee Cake is now available for customers to order.  They smelled soo good baking in the oven I wanted to eat one undercooked. Chloe housed one warm out of the oven, and Arnie ate about 6 without batting an eyelash. I wasn't sure about this recipe when I was planning it, but it came out great! The cinnamon, crumb topping was perfect and tasted fantastic! It smelled like true coffee cake baking in the oven.

Don't take my word for it.., Check out the reviews on our facebook page and the comments in the blog on the front page of our site.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

New Items!!!

Chloe's Cookie Corner is now offering Cookie Boxes and Cookie Platters for your party and get-together needs. The boxes come in a 2 dozen size and a 4 dozen size. The platter features up to 4 cookie recipes of your choice.  Check them out on our site and order before it's too late!



Just baking some chocolate chip cookies. They smell up the house with a warm sweetness that makes your mouth water. The husband hasn't had any in a while because they have all been bought and paid for. I've been so busy lately I haven't had time to bake any for him.

Wow!  The web poll on my site has drastically changed from butterscotch being the next flavor to coffee cake! I'm surprised!  I wonder if it will change again before I close the poll?

I can't wait to get started on some of these new ideas I have. I've got to work on a scratch and sniff button.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

A New Recipe


I tried the Plum Pudding recipe and was a little sketchy.  I thought it tasted very good but I knew it was a flavor many people would not look to as a first choice.  I sent out a batch to my guinea pigs and received raving reviews including a couple orders.  Who knew? I don't think this will be a big seller until Christmas since the recipe is based on the original recipe for plum pudding... sans the flame presentation. I wouldn't recommend lighting my cookies on fire.

I have noticed that the run for the votes on the new flavor for me to work on is leaning toward the butterscotch, but I'm going to wait a little longer and see how the votes continue to add up.

I also got a few more cookie flavor ideas over the past couple of days that I am anxious to start working on. The list of flavors to work on is getting longer.  I may have to get a few more hours in the day and a bigger kitchen.  I can't wait to try some of these. Unfortunately, I have to wait for a couple more things to be completed in the kitchen remodel before I can tear through some more cookie dough. I'm getting the itch!

Until next time.


Monday, August 2, 2010

What to work on next?

I can't decide which cookie flavor to work on next. There are so many good ones that I want to try and I just can't decide. Should I do Coffee Cake or Butterscotch? Maybe Plum Pudding or Triple Chocolate. Perhaps the Cinnamon Strudel or the Fluffernutter. O my goodness! This is quite a dilemma.

If you have any ideas or would like to post a vote, please visit the site and join the poll.  I would love to see what people want me to do next.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Inspiration

My inspiration is obviously my daughter Chloe. She loves my cookies and asks for them every time I walk into the kitchen. I enjoy baking and never really had the chance to learn when I was growing up. 

I was self conscious when I first got married because I didn't know how to cook or bake. I tried a couple things and they were OK but not great. I tried a couple chocolate chip cookie recipes and I found one that was good. It was then I tried my quest for the soft peanut butter cookie.  I started making dishes such as chicken Parmesan and Sage pork and they were a hit with company we had. I enjoy cooking, but my passions come out when I bake.

Once in a while a family member or a friend may mention a food or dessert that makes me think of a flavor to try with my cookies. Thanks to them, I have developed many of the flavors listed on my site and some in the "coming soon" page.

If you have any ideas of flavors you would like to see, please feel free to e-mail or post a comment.

Until next time....
