Strawberry Rhubarb Cookies

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The quest for flavors from scratch

I have a problem.... If I don't make the flavor myself, I'm cheating.  It's a noble endeavor, but it takes a lot of time, effort, and a LOT of ingredients and reject recipes. However, everyone likes getting my rejects.

I have taken quests to find the right peanut butter flavor, a graham flavored cookie, I make marshmallow sauce from scratch, vanilla custard, caramel and I even dry my own fruit for certain recipes. Each recipe takes time and trials. Once in a while, I get lucky and I get a recipe right the first try.

The sickening thing is that I enjoy trying to get the flavors right and making something from scratch. I actual get cravings to bake and decided that I should probably do it in some form for a living.

It's a lot of work, but the sense of accomplishment is beyond measure.

Feel free to post comments or suggestions.


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